ApprovalMax replaces paper and email approvals with fully automated approval workflows.

Streamlining the accounts payable process ensures spend control and regulatory compliance are adhered to. The app enables approval automation for accounts payable and accounts receivable using a multi-step and multi-role authorisation process, giving you control of:

  • Bill processing
    • Approval workflow for bills and supplier invoices
  • Purchase order management
    • Create, approve and send purchase orders to suppliers
  • Sales invoice approval
    • Authorise sales invoices before sending to clients
  • Supplier / vender approvals
    • Automate your supplier vetting procedure
  • Budget checking
    • Provide the approvers with a clear real-time overview of related budgets
  • Bill-to-PO matching
    • Match bills to the already approved purchase order for additional spend control

This app is great for bookkeepers, internal accounting teams, and organisations that outsource their financial services.

If you would like any further information about ApprovalMax and how it can help your business, please contact our Business Innovation team.

Posted in Blog.