Logins to cloud accounting data

It has been brought to our attention that some of us are still not following the firm’s procedures with regards to accessing client data on cloud accounting software (Xero, SBCA, QBO etc).

We have been made aware of instances recently where clients have invited individuals within the firm, rather than the firm itself. This means it has not been possible to access client data when that individual is out of the office or has left the firm.

We are also aware that staff are sharing login details and passwords. This is happening where an individual has been invited to the client data rather than the firm, and no other staff members have access to that data.

In some instances, staff are using client login details and passwords, rather than adding the client to the Practice and logging in as a member of ML.

When individuals are invited to access client data rather than the firm, we have no knowledge of which clients are linked to the individual staff members cloud accounting account. Under current GDPR regulations, we need to be able to manage which staff have access to which clients’ data.

We have also recently come across ML staff using their ML cloud accounting logins to access data for individuals and entities that are not ML clients. For example, where a staff member is doing bookkeeping for a family member, friend or local charity. ML is not engaged to provide this service, and the staff members ML login is recorded on the audit trail in the accounting software, linking ML to their account.

We are therefore giving a cloud access amnesty until the end of the month.

If you have been invited personally to the client’s cloud accounting data, you have until the end of the month to ask the client to invite Milsted Langdon. If you are using your ML login for non-ML clients, you should set up a login using a personal email address and get your access moved over by this date.

Details of how to invite ML to cloud accounting data can be found on the BI SharePoint page here under the relevant software section. If you need any additional assistance, please speak to your local Cloud Champion.

After this date, we will be performing an exercise to cross check the database of accounting software in PE with the data held on the Cloud Software Practice accounts for Xero, SBCA, QBO and FreeAgent. We will then be investigating all differences.

Posted in News, Newswire.